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Article 2.

The association is named: CROATIAN TANGO DANCERS ASSOCIATION (onwards referred to as Association).
Commonly used acronym in English: CTDA.
In Croatian, the association is named: HRVATSKO UDRUŽENJE TANGO PLESAČA.


Article 7.

The main goals of the Association are:
– stimulating children and youth to actively participate in the Association’s activities,
– promoting free expression and culture,
– advancement of dance culture, art and creativity,
– stimulating children, youth and adults to actively pursue dance culture,
– improvement of dance knowledge, skills and culture among children, young people and adults.

Activities aiming to fulfill the Association’s goals

Article 9.

Activities fulfilling the Association’s goals:
– organising and stimulating the gathering of dancers in order to exchange knowledge and experience,
– organising and conducting competitions, lectures, seminars and courses aiming at stimulating dance creativity,
– helping the Association’s members in professional development,
– developing and organising dance workshops for the Association’s members,
– organising and conducting dance competitions and participating therein,
– organising dance events under the responsibility of the Association’s members,


Article 11.

All individual and legal entities, domestic and foreign, may become members of the Association if they are interested in working for or contributing to the Assoctiation in order to meet its goals and thereby accept this Statute and all regulations therein. An individual or legal entity, interested in becoming a member of the Association should fill out and submit a written membership form.
Minors under the age of 14 should have the membership form submitted by a legal representative or guardian, and for those at or over the age of 14, the legal representative or guardian should provide a written approval.
Membership starts at the day of inscription.

Article 12.

Group membership exists in two categories:

1./ Regular member – those Association members who actively participate and give a particular contribution to promotion of the Association’s goals through many years of active contribution to the Association’s programmes and activities.
2./ Associate members – those Association members who wish to occasionally participate in the Association’s activities and the realisation of particular programmes and activities (e.g. they participate at the Mediterranean Summer Tango Festival or similar events organised by the Association).

An Associate member can become an Regular member only after submitting a written request and declaration of readiness to actively pursue the Association’s goals. This request should be submitted to the Association’s President, who decides on the matter.

Article 14.

Rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Association’s Associate members are:
– to actively participate in the Association’s events and programmes,
– to be informed about the Associations activities,
– to respect the law and this statute while conducting the Association’s activities,
– to pay the membership fee.